The JourneyLite team is there for whatever you may need! Don’t be afraid to reach out.
Surgery: gastric sleeve
Surgery date: May 2024
My highest adult weight was (lbs): 340
My current weight is (lbs): 180
I first noticed that my weight was a problem:As a child
Rebeca Before

Rebeca After

Tell us in your own words how your weight has affected your life: I have been overweight my entire life. This has led to feelings of depression, and shame.. I wasn’t able to do things with my child. No energy, etc.
I had surgery 5/22/24 today is 3/19/25, I am 10 months post op, and am down 160 pounds, 4 shirt sizes, and 5 pants sizes.
Tell us how surgery, balloon, or medication has helped you get control of your weight issues: I have tried all of the diets, and exercises and just couldn’t get past a certain weight, and eventually gave up and got back into the same pattern. This surgery has helped me not only with portion control; but making better food choices.
Tell us about the support you have received from the team at JourneyLite and how it has impacted your success: The JourneyLite team is there for whatever you may need! Don’t be afraid to reach out.
What’s one thing you can do now that you couldn’t before you lost the weight: Keep up with my child!
Optional Comments: Don’t be afraid, take the leap, you will not regret it!