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Gastric Sleeve Requirements Guide

Also called a sleeve gastrectomy, gastric sleeve surgery is a popular weight loss procedure designed to help obese individuals achieve significant weight loss by surgically reducing their stomach size. Understanding gastric sleeve requirements is crucial for anyone considering this life-changing procedure. By adhering to specific criteria, patients ensure their eligibility, maximize the surgery’s effectiveness, and minimize health risks associated with the operation.

This article will review gastric sleeve surgery requirements and how Journeylite can help.

Gastric Sleeve Requirements

Why Get a Gastric Sleeve?

The purpose of gastric sleeve surgery extends beyond mere weight reduction; it aims to improve overall health and quality of life. Several conditions can see marked improvements post-surgery, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Sleep apnea

Meeting gastric sleeve requirements is a fundamental step toward achieving lasting health benefits and ensuring the safety and success of the surgery. Each requirement is carefully set based on extensive research and clinical experience to tailor the best outcomes for each patient.

How to Qualify for a Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve requirements take the patient’s Body Mass Index (BMI) into account. Based on recommendations from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, gastric sleeve candidates generally fall within two categories:

Patients With a BMI of 35 or Higher

The society recommends gastric sleeve surgery for those having a BMI of 35 or higher, regardless of whether they have other weight-related health issues. The rationale behind this guideline is rooted in the significant health risks associated with such high levels of obesity.

Individuals with a BMI over 35 often face a higher risk of severe health conditions, including heart disease, stroke, severe joint pain, and certain types of cancer. Gastric sleeve surgery can help by reducing stomach size, typically leading to significant weight loss and a lower risk for these health conditions.

Wondering if you qualify for a different surgery? Our guide to bariatric surgery requirements will help.

Patients With a BMI of 30 or Higher

Depending on your circumstances, a BMI of 30 may qualify you for gastric sleeve surgery.

Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

For patients who have type 2 diabetes, the criteria for gastric sleeve surgery include a recommended BMI of 30 or higher. The link between this condition and obesity is well-documented, as excess body weight contributes to insulin resistance, a hallmark of type 2 diabetes.

Gastric sleeve surgery can be pivotal in managing type 2 diabetes by helping patients achieve and maintain significant weight loss. In many cases, this weight loss can help control blood glucose levels and, in some instances, may even result in the remission of diabetes.

Patients Who Can’t Experience Significant Weight Loss

Gastric sleeve surgery is considered for individuals with a BMI between 30 and 35 who have not experienced substantial or lasting weight loss through nonsurgical methods. Many patients in this category struggle with persistent obesity despite attempts at diet, exercise, and other medical interventions. These traditional weight loss methods can often fail for individuals slightly lower on the BMI scale but still significantly affected by obesity.

By opting for gastric sleeve surgery, these individuals may achieve more significant weight loss, leading to improvements in obesity-related conditions and overall health outcomes. This surgical intervention becomes a viable option after other methods have failed.

Other Considerations

JourneyLite bases your qualification for gastric sleeve surgery on more than just BMI. Although this procedure is a versatile option suitable for patients across various BMI categories, it might not be the best choice for everyone.

Individuals suffering from severe GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or acid reflux issues might find that gastric sleeve surgery exacerbates their condition.

Similarly, those with a history of bile reflux gastritis should also exercise caution, as the gastric sleeve could potentially aggravate this issue.

Discussing your complete medical history and any existing gastrointestinal conditions with our team is crucial to determining the most appropriate surgical option for your health needs.

Calculate Your BMI

Gastric Sleeve Requirements

Pre-Surgery Requirements and Preparation

Before proceeding with gastric sleeve surgery, there are other gastric sleeve requirements to plan for. We perform a rigorous pre-surgical evaluation and require a thorough preparation process to ensure the safety and success of the procedure. This process begins with comprehensive steps designed to assess your suitability for surgery.

Potential patients undergo a detailed medical evaluation to determine their physical readiness for surgery. This includes a variety of tests to ensure their bodies can handle the surgery and the subsequent changes. Psychological assessments help to ascertain their mental and emotional readiness to undergo such a significant procedure and maintain the lifestyle changes necessary for long-term success.

Prior to surgery, you must demonstrate a willingness to adopt significant lifestyle changes, particularly in your diet and physical activity levels. We often require patients to start making these changes during the pre-surgery phase to establish healthy habits that must be maintained post-operation.

Your commitment is crucial for the success of the surgery and your long-term health and well-being. Sessions that discuss nutritional changes, physical activity, and emotional adjustments are a routine part of the preparation phase, providing the support and guidance you need.

Gastric Sleeve Risks and Considerations

Beyond gastric sleeve requirements, you must also consider the potential risks associated with this procedure. While gastric sleeve surgery offers significant benefits for weight loss and related health improvements, there are risks and potential complications. Like any major surgical procedure, the gastric sleeve involves inherent risks such as:

  • Infections
  • Bleeding
  • Adverse reactions to anesthesia

Specific to this procedure, patients may experience longer-term issues such as:

  • Nutrient deficiencies, the result of the reduced stomach size, which limits food intake and absorption.
  • Sleeve stenosis, where the stomach tube created during surgery narrows, causing vomiting and difficulty in swallowing.
  • Leaks from the staple line used to create the smaller stomach pouch, which can lead to severe infections and require additional surgeries.
  • Relapse in weight gain if you don’t comply with the dietary and lifestyle changes recommended post-surgery.

Weigh the surgery’s risks against the anticipated benefits. The decision to proceed with a gastric sleeve should come after a thorough discussion with our team, taking into account your medical history, current health conditions, and the overall impact on your quality of life. For many, the potential to significantly lessen life-threatening issues related to obesity — such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease — can justify the risks involved. However, this assessment must be personalized based on your own circumstances and our expert advice.

If you have questions about gastric sleeve surgery cost, read this guide.

What to Expect From Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Once we’ve determined you meet gastric sleeve requirements, you must clearly understand the procedure and post-surgery routine.

The Procedure

Gastric sleeve surgery removes part of the stomach to reduce its size by about 80%, which in turn limits food intake and helps to promote weight loss. This minimally invasive procedure typically takes less than an hour.

Immediately Post-Surgery

After gastric sleeve surgery, many patients can return home on the same day. Patients start with a liquid diet and gradually progress to pureed foods as they can tolerate them.

Short-Term Recovery

The initial weeks after surgery are crucial for healing. Patients must also adhere strictly to their prescribed diet, which progresses to solid foods over several weeks. This dietary progression is essential to avoid complications such as blockages or staple line ruptures. Read our guide to gastric sleeve recovery for additional details.

Long-Term Requirements

Recovery extends beyond physical healing, requiring significant lifestyle adjustments. Patients must commit to lifelong dietary changes, including eating more frequent, smaller meals and focusing on high-protein, low-carb foods to meet their nutritional needs. Regular follow-up appointments are critical to monitor weight loss, nutritional status, and overall health. We offer virtual visits to minimize travel time for out-of-town patients.

Gastric Sleeve Animation.

Watch this brief video to learn the steps involved in gastric sleeve surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Sleeve Requirements

As a leading provider of gastric sleeve surgery, JourneyLite is ideally situated to answer your questions. Read on to learn more about gastric sleeve requirements.

Is a Gastric Sleeve Safe?

If you meet gastric sleeve surgery requirements and follow your post-surgery regimen, a gastric sleeve is a relatively safe procedure.

What Is the Minimum Weight for a Gastric Sleeve?

Gastric sleeve requirements don’t focus on weight. They’re based on each patient’s BMI.

What Disqualifies the Gastric Sleeve?

A gastric sleeve may not be the best procedure if you have GERD or bile reflux gastritis.

Trust Your Gastric Sleeve Surgery to JourneyLite

Now that you know the gastric sleeve requirements, you’re ready for the next step. Our team is prepared to help you decide the best option for your weight loss program. We have the expertise and knowledge to craft the right strategy to meet your goals. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

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Weight Loss Surgery vs GLP-1 Receptor Agonists-Which is Better?

Dr. Trace Curry

If you need to lose a lot of weight, you may be asking yourself which is better, weight loss surgery or GLP-1 receptor agonists? These include medications such as Wegovy (Ozempic & semaglutide) and Zepbound (Mounjaro & tirzepatide). Many people think that these medications much be better because they are newer, and you can’t even turn on the TV or browse the internet without seeing a zillion stories about them. So what are the real-world expectations for these two powerful weight loss methods? Let’s take a look!

Being both a weight loss surgeon and obesity management physician for over 20 years, I have seen many medications and treatment options come and go. With respect to these new medications, although they have been around for a while for treating diabetes, we really don’t have any significant long-term data on using them forever at the higher dosages required for weight loss. Also, studies are now coming out that show nearly all patients will regain their weight after stopping the drug. So, many patients aren’t aware that, if they want to keep the weight off, they must stay on a drug forever that has not been studied over a time period anywhere near forever. In contrast, weight loss surgeries such as gastric sleeve (VSG), gastric bypass, and SADI have been studied and results have been published in some series spanning over 20 years.

So, we have to look beyond the short-term and think about where patients might be in their weight loss journey in five, ten, or even twenty years.

GLP-1 Receptor Agonists


If, for example, a patient opts for Wegovy–what will be the scenario? Here are some things to think about:

  • Most insurance plans do not cover Wegovy. It’s very expensive at over $1000 a month for the brand-name medication.
    • Even though Wegovy is still under patent, since the FDA placed it on their shortage list, the generic equivalent (semaglutide) is currently available.
    • This ranges anywhere from $300-$500 per month, including required office visits.
    • If at any time the patient chooses to stop semaglutide, the weight will almost certainly return.
    • If the patient continues on medication, they will have paid out-of-pocket around $24,000 at 5 years, $48,000 at 10 years, and $96,000 at 20 years!
  • The patient will be injecting a medication once a week that has not been tested at these high dosages beyond a couple of years. We have no idea what will happen to patients who use these medications on a permanent ongoing basis.
  • The amount of weight loss with a surgical procedure such as a VSG, gastric bypass, or SADI is typically two to three times more than with even the most potent of these drugs.
    • At the 5 year mark, semaglutide patients lost on average 16% of the total body weight. For a 300 lb patient, that would equate to only 48 pounds, leaving the patient still morbidly obese.

Surgical Weight Loss

SADI-S Procedure

When considering weight loss surgery vs. GLP-1 receptor agonists, we should look at the surgical options next. Since we are considering the most powerful weight loss medications, let’s also look at the most powerful weight loss surgery–the SADI-S procedure. SADI-S stands for single anastomosis  duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy. The SADI-S is definitely number one in terms of total weight loss and long-term success rate. Studies show weight loss results of:

  • 5 years
    • 87% excess body weight loss
      • This means if a patient is 100 lbs over their ideal body weight, they would lose 87% of that, or 87 lbs.
    • 38% total body weight loss
      • This means that if a patient weighs 300 lbs going in to surgery, they would lose 38% of that, or 114 lbs.
  • 10 years
    • 80% excess body weight loss
    • 34% total body weight loss

No GLP-1 medication can come anywhere close to these numbers! In addition to the weight loss, SADI-S is very effective at controlling or eliminating diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea.

Now, with regard to cost comparison, even in the worst-case scenario where the patient has no surgical weight loss coverage, the current self-pay pricing at JourneyLite is $15,900. This is equivalent to about four years of treatment with semaglutide. So even self-pay surgery is much more cost effective in the long-run. Obviously, if a patient has insurance coverage, then the benefit can be even more pronounced. Other surgical options such as VSG/gastric sleeve, although not as potent as SADI-S, are also more affordable and have somewhat lower short and long term risk.


At JourneyLite, we offer many different programs to help patients lose weight. Our experienced team knows that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to obesity and that patients must make their own individual choices based on their specific goals. Although surgical procedures such as SADI-S, VSG/gastric sleeve, and gastric bypass provide 2-3 times greater weight loss than GLP-1 medications, there can be a role for these drugs. However, the long-term side effects have not been well studied and the weight regain rate approaches 100% if patients choose to come off of them.

Want to learn more about your options?

Schedule a consultation with our team to find out which plan might be best for you. Simply complete an appointment request form and one of our patient service representatives will contact you to answer all your questions and get you set up for success!

Tirzepatide Pricing

We are excited to announce updated pricing for our tirzepatide/GLP-1 injectable program as well! We have changed over to practice-pay for the medication, which gives the patient a better discount from the pharmacy. This means that, at the end of your appointment, you will pay JourneyLite Physicians for your tirzepatide, and then we will pay University Compounding Pharmacy directly. Since they don’t have to chase down the patient for payment anymore, it’s less work for them and therefore cheaper for you!

GLP-1 receptor agonists such as tirzepatide are a great option for post-op patients as well, which early data showing a significant improvement in both short- and long-term results.

Initial tirzepatide consultations are $199 and include a medical provider and dietitian evaluation. Your initial medication cost is $233 and includes 1 month of tirzepatide, syringes for injection, and shipping. Monthly follow-up visits are just $129 and are required based on state guidelines and/or whether the dosage of the medication is increased or not.

Many patients are not aware of this, but if you have an HSA or Flexible Healthcare Spending Account, you are most likely eligible to use those funds even if these medications are not covered by your insurance.

What distinguishes JourneyLite from other programs?

dietitian with patientLet’s face it, everyone is offering GLP-1 medications these days. Plastic surgeons, chiropractors, online companies you’ve never heard of–you name it! What distinguishes JourneyLite Physicians is that we are a local weight loss practice that offers the most comprehensive suite of programs to help patients lose weight in the mid-west. You probably wouldn’t want your car mechanic to fill in for your jet mechanic and fix the airplane you are about to fly on, would you? Even though they are both mechanics, their skill sets are completely different. Also, at JourneyLite Physicians, every new patient consultation comes with a visit with one of our licensed, registered dietitians. Did you know that anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, and that there is no required training or licensing requirements?  You probably didn’t! Our registered dietitians have had rigorous training and are among the most experienced in the country. They have the knowledge and expertise to set you up for success!

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Get started with tirzepatide now!

Request an appointment today with JourneyLite Physicians–your trusted team for weight loss in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana!