The first picture (gray shirt) was me at my heaviest, pushing 250 pounds. For someone that only 5’3”, that’s a lot of extra weight to be carrying around.
The second picture, in the black Ohio State shirt was early in the morning on 6/4/2015 before we headed to Cincinnati.
I remember being so scared on the way there. This was so far outside of my comfort zone but I knew the benefits outweighed the risks. My husband Josh even looked over at me and said “I can’t believe you’re going through with it.” He really thought I’d back out and I told him “We’re not there yet. We can still turn around and go home.” Boy, I am thankful we didn’t turn around and go home!
I had a procedure done called Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or VSG for short. The surgery itself wasn’t bad. It was the weeks and months afterwards that were hard. A liquid phase, followed by a phase of puréed foods only then finally moving on to soft foods only.
It wasn’t easy changing all the eating habits you’ve had your whole life. I can say I have absolutely NO regrets-my life changed 100% for the better! First thing, I became a better Mom for my kids! We were able to do more activities together because as I lost the weight it was so much easier to be active!
I did my first ever 5K which took me 50 minutes because I had to walk it but I did it! After that I signed up for just about any 5K I could find! I ended up taking my time down to 28:09, which was amazing! I earned 3 medals for finishing first in my age division!I even did one 10k and beat the time limit I had set for myself! I was able to climb Raven Rock with my husband and my daughter which was such an amazing experience! I WILL do it again!
I became a certified REFIT® instructor! This was SO far outside my comfort zone because I do not like to be in front of people! My love & passion for fitness and helping other become active, exploded! I then went on to become a certified personal trainer, a certified REV+FLOW Instructor, a certified Fit Chix instructor and an ambassador for 2 fitness clothing lines! It was a great ride!
In 2020, just before the stupid virus struck, I was hired as a Fitness Instructor at the Life Center!! Then…my back went out. I gracefully had to bow out which was depressing but then covid shut down the Life Center anyways. It’s been almost 4 years of unexpected back problems and then being diagnosed with a rare vestibular disease which led to depression and weight gain. I’m not where I was once but I am still 90 pounds down from my heaviest. I am finally well enough to get serious about improving myself again and that I am!
I will never regret this journey and could never express how thankful I will always be for Dr. Trace Curry and JourneyLite, they helped me change my life!
#Thankful #Grateful #Blessed #NeverGiveUp”