When I came to Journeylite, I was desperate for help. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I felt like if I did not take control, I was literally going to die.
Surgery: gastric sleeve
Surgery date: November 2022
My highest adult weight was (lbs): 400
My current weight is (lbs): 250
I first noticed that my weight was a problem: As a child

Tell us in your own words how your weight has affected your life:
When I came to Journeylite, I was desperate for help. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I felt like if I did not take control, I was literally going to die. I was diabetic and newly diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension and taking multiple medications. I couldn’t do any of the things that I loved anymore. I struggled with constant fatigue. As a registered nurse, I had considered weight loss surgery. But I was afraid of potential complications…Out of desperation, I decided that if I didn’t take control and do something that I was going to die anyway. So, I took the plunge and had a gastric sleep procedure.
Tell us how surgery, balloon, or medication has helped you get control of your weight issues:
It has been the most life changing experiences of my adult life. I feel like I have a life again, and my only regret is that I didn’t have the surgery sooner! I have lost 150 pounds, and am still losing weight. My diabetes and pulmonary hypertension have completely resolved and are gone. I am off all of the medications for those diagnosis. My energy level is through the roof! I can do things that I haven’t been able to do in years, and I can be the wife, mother, daughter and friend that I want to be to those that I love.
Tell us about the support you have received from the team at JourneyLite and how it has impacted your success:
My biggest struggle to overcome was fear before the surgery. On the day of my surgery, everyone was so reassuring and kind. When Dr. Augusta came in to see me before surgery, I told him that I had prayed for him that morning. He smiled and told me that he had prayed for me too. As a person of faith, that really comforted me and made me feel a sense of calm. I’m so grateful for the entire team!
What’s one thing you can do now that you couldn’t before you lost the weight:
I go on long, difficult hikes that I would NEVER have been able to do before surgery. Before surgery, I dreaded even going to the grocery store to go shopping because of how exhausted I would be afterwards!
Optional Comments:
My life is forever changed and I am grateful beyond words!