There are numerous medications which will be prescribed for you at your pre-op/consent visit. These include pain medication, nausea, and anti-spasm medications.
In some cases, you may be prescribed a medication to reduce the risk of blood clots after surgery. In the past we used an injectable medication called Lovenox, but recently we switched over to a newer oral medication called Eliquis (generic: apixaban). If prescribed, it should be started the morning after surgery and taken twice a day for the next 30 days.
Bridging Therapy: If you are already on coumadin or warfarin, you will still be given a prescription for injectable Lovenox to be started one week prior to surgery at the time you stop your coumadin. Bridging therapy means that you are already on a long-acting blood thinner like coumadin, and are being switched over to Lovenox so that your regular blood thinner has time to wear off before surgery. If this is the case and you are using injectable Lovenox prior to surgery, DO NOT DO AN INJECTION THE NIGHT BEFORE, OR THE MORNING OF YOUR PROCEDURE!
On the day of surgery:
- Nothing to eat or drink after midnight!
- Take all of your regular meds EXCEPT:
- any long-acting insulin if you are a diabetic (e.g. Lantus)
- any of the previously-discussed medications (blood thinners, immunosuppressants, ACE inhibitors, etc…)
If you have a pre-op visit (or call) with anesthesia and they tell you to follow a different plan, do what they recommend please.
Lastly, if you have sleep apnea and are having surgery at JourneyLite Surgery Center, please bring your CPAP with you to your procedure! Also if you are an out-of-town patient staying at the Wingate Inn, you will want to bring all of your prescriptions with you on your trip.