If you take any blood thinners, you will need to modify your regimen around your surgery. Some common blood thinners are:
- NSAIDs like Aspirin/Ibuprofen/Aleve
- Plavix (generic: clopidrogrel)
- PletalĀ (generic: cilostazol)
- Mobic (generic: meloxicam)
- Coumadin (generic: warfarin) – important, see next slide on “bridging therapy”
- Pradaxa (dabigatran)
- Xarelto (apixaban)
- Eliquis (apixaban)
- Pradaxa, Xarelto and Eliquis are usually held for 2-3 days prior to surgery and then resumed the day after.
- The others are typically stopped for 1 week prior to surgery.
- A specific plan will be discussed at your pre-op/consent visit.
- You will also be instructed as to whether you can resume these medications after surgery or not.