Kristin Niermeyer, a 55-year-old volunteer firefighter and EMT from West Virginia, would classify herself as an “experienced dieter.” Having struggled with her weight since puberty, Kristin’s weight loss attempts have included numerous diet fads, exercise routines and even weight loss drugs. While she had some initial success with these methods, she would inventively gain the weight back. “I’ve been a yo-yo dieter almost all of my life,” said Kristin. “As soon as I lost the weight, I just wasn’t able to change my lifestyle. Being a volunteer firefighter and keeping very odd hours, I would often eat late at night – and it was usually fast food, or just whatever was easiest.” Last year, Kristin’s weight crept up over 200 pounds – at that point, she knew she needed to make a drastic change. She began looking into her options. Some of Kristin’s friends had success with gastric bands and sleeves, but also experienced complications and discomfort – she didn’t want to go that route, as she felt it was too invasive and permanent. Kristin’s online research led her to Dr. Trace Curry, a bariatric surgeon at Metabolic Weight Loss Centers in Ohio. Based on her goals, Dr. Curry told Kristin that she would be a good candidate for the ReShape™ Integrated Dual Balloon System, a first-of-its-kind non-surgical, minimally invasive weight loss procedure for people with mild to moderate obesity. The ReShape Balloon is placed in the stomach for six months, serving as built-in portion control so people may feel full and less hungry. Kristin got the ReShape Balloon on January 20, and had been consistently losing weight ever since. She started at 213 pounds when she got ReShape, and is currently down 22 pounds. One of the things Kristin likes most about ReShape is the built-in, one-on-one counseling every patient gets – both while the balloon is in place, and six months following the procedure. Patients receive nutrition and exercise coaching from allied health professionals at their ReShape physician’s office. Patients meet with their coaches in person once a month to track their weight loss and discuss their progress. “I knew it was time to get serious about my weight loss, and ReShape has been a really great choice for me,” said Kristin.
ReShape Gastric Balloon Success Story!
Here’s a ReShape gastric balloon success story!
Dr. Curry
Kristin Niermeyer, a 55-year-old volunteer firefighter and EMT from West Virginia, would classify herself as an “experienced dieter.” Having struggled with her weight since puberty, Kristin’s weight loss attempts have included numerous diet fads, exercise routines and even weight loss drugs. While she had some initial success with these methods, she would inventively gain the weight back. “I’ve been a yo-yo dieter almost all of my life,” said Kristin. “As soon as I lost the weight, I just wasn’t able to change my lifestyle. Being a volunteer firefighter and keeping very odd hours, I would often eat late at night – and it was usually fast food, or just whatever was easiest.” Last year, Kristin’s weight crept up over 200 pounds – at that point, she knew she needed to make a drastic change. She began looking into her options. Some of Kristin’s friends had success with gastric bands and sleeves, but also experienced complications and discomfort – she didn’t want to go that route, as she felt it was too invasive and permanent. Kristin’s online research led her to Dr. Trace Curry, a bariatric surgeon at Metabolic Weight Loss Centers in Ohio. Based on her goals, Dr. Curry told Kristin that she would be a good candidate for the ReShape™ Integrated Dual Balloon System, a first-of-its-kind non-surgical, minimally invasive weight loss procedure for people with mild to moderate obesity. The ReShape Balloon is placed in the stomach for six months, serving as built-in portion control so people may feel full and less hungry. Kristin got the ReShape Balloon on January 20, and had been consistently losing weight ever since. She started at 213 pounds when she got ReShape, and is currently down 22 pounds. One of the things Kristin likes most about ReShape is the built-in, one-on-one counseling every patient gets – both while the balloon is in place, and six months following the procedure. Patients receive nutrition and exercise coaching from allied health professionals at their ReShape physician’s office. Patients meet with their coaches in person once a month to track their weight loss and discuss their progress. “I knew it was time to get serious about my weight loss, and ReShape has been a really great choice for me,” said Kristin.
Kristin Niermeyer, a 55-year-old volunteer firefighter and EMT from West Virginia, would classify herself as an “experienced dieter.” Having struggled with her weight since puberty, Kristin’s weight loss attempts have included numerous diet fads, exercise routines and even weight loss drugs. While she had some initial success with these methods, she would inventively gain the weight back. “I’ve been a yo-yo dieter almost all of my life,” said Kristin. “As soon as I lost the weight, I just wasn’t able to change my lifestyle. Being a volunteer firefighter and keeping very odd hours, I would often eat late at night – and it was usually fast food, or just whatever was easiest.” Last year, Kristin’s weight crept up over 200 pounds – at that point, she knew she needed to make a drastic change. She began looking into her options. Some of Kristin’s friends had success with gastric bands and sleeves, but also experienced complications and discomfort – she didn’t want to go that route, as she felt it was too invasive and permanent. Kristin’s online research led her to Dr. Trace Curry, a bariatric surgeon at Metabolic Weight Loss Centers in Ohio. Based on her goals, Dr. Curry told Kristin that she would be a good candidate for the ReShape™ Integrated Dual Balloon System, a first-of-its-kind non-surgical, minimally invasive weight loss procedure for people with mild to moderate obesity. The ReShape Balloon is placed in the stomach for six months, serving as built-in portion control so people may feel full and less hungry. Kristin got the ReShape Balloon on January 20, and had been consistently losing weight ever since. She started at 213 pounds when she got ReShape, and is currently down 22 pounds. One of the things Kristin likes most about ReShape is the built-in, one-on-one counseling every patient gets – both while the balloon is in place, and six months following the procedure. Patients receive nutrition and exercise coaching from allied health professionals at their ReShape physician’s office. Patients meet with their coaches in person once a month to track their weight loss and discuss their progress. “I knew it was time to get serious about my weight loss, and ReShape has been a really great choice for me,” said Kristin.