Plenity is a new weight loss treatment that expands after hydration to help patients feel full on smaller amounts of food. For more information on Plenity click here. Plenity has currently not been studied in surgical weight loss patients, however our practice has some experience with this and when closely supervised it can be done safely and effectively.
For patients with a normal stomach it is recommended to take 3 Plenity capsules, 20-30 minutes prior to lunch and dinner. For surgical weight loss patients however, it is very important if you are going to take Plenity to do it only under the supervision of your surgical weight loss team and to follow the dosing regimen outlined below.
For any patient who has had a gastric bypass, gastric band, gastric sleeve, SIPS, or gastric balloon, Plenity must be titrated. This means that you do not start off with the full 3 capsules. Rather, begin by just taking 1 capsule with 16 oz of a non-carbonated clear liquid 20-30 minutes prior to lunch or dinner. See how you feel with just 1 tablet. If you feel full on smaller portions, and have no symptoms of pain, bloating, or vomiting, then this will be your ongoing dosage moving forward.
If you feel minimal effect, as long as you have have no pain, bloating, or vomiting, then for your next meal you can try 2 tablets. Again, if you feel full on smaller portions and have no adverse symptoms, then this will be your ongoing dosage.
As before, if you feel minimal effect and have no adverse symptoms, you can try 3 capsules for your next meal.
Do not take more than 3 capsules at one dosing!