Surgery: gastric sleeve
Surgery date: March 2024
My highest adult weight was (lbs): 334
My current weight is (lbs): 266
I first noticed that my weight was a problem: As a young adult
Terrez Before Gastric Sleeve
Terrez After Gastric Sleeve
Tell us in your own words how your weight has affected your life: Weight and weight consciousness has been on the top of my mind for decades. I use to use food as a stress coping mechanism. As a result, I consistently bought bigger clothes and started to be unable to participate in some active activities.
Tell us how surgery, balloon, or medication has helped you get control of your weight issues: Honestly, this has been the best tool ever (outside of the first month:)) to help me reestablish my relationship with food and exercise. It’s definitely not “the easy” toward weight loss, but rather is a tool to reset your body and mind. I’m grateful for this new way of life and health.
Tell us about the support you have received from the team at JourneyLite and how it has impacted your success: The staff and doctors of Journey Lite have been incredible. I’ve never experienced a medical team so accessible. I had to pay out of pocket, but the service that I’ve received has been worth every penny.
What’s one thing you can do now that you couldn’t before you lost the weight: There are tons of things that I can now do again, but the one that stands out is experimenting with different rigorous exercises.