After surgery, you will want to avoid any strenuous activity and take it easy for a couple of weeks. It’s ok to go up and down stairs right away as long as your are steady on your feet and not feeling light-headed. We want you to be up and moving about the house frequently right off the bat in order to keep the blood circulating well in your legs to avoid blood clots.
Post-op patients should not drive until they are completely off all of their prescription pain medications.
Lifting should be limited to:
- 10 lbs the through first week after surgery
- 20 lbs the through the second week
- 30 lbs through the third week
- 40 lbs through the fourth week
- No restrictions after the fourth week
You can resume some light cardio 2 weeks after surgery, with some light treadmill walking. You can slowly pick up the pace over the next couple of weeks, with no restrictions after the fourth week. You should make plans to start a regular cardio regimen 3-4x per week for at least 30 minutes per session.
Do you have a drain?

Do you have a drain like the one pictured here? If so click below for JP drain care instructions.