Congratulations on getting your procedure scheduled! Prior to your surgical consent/pre-op visit please:
- Watch the 3 videos below regarding pre-op and discharge instructions
- Download & read the surgery consent PDF
- If you’ve been told by us that you need a pre-op physical, or “clearance” from your primary care physician, download & print the Pre-op History/Physical form, make an appointment with your PCP, and take this form with you!
- If you are having a gastric sleeve, gastric bypass, or SIPS/duodenal switch please read the article below entitled “staple line leaks after bariatric surgery”.
Download pre-op and post-op discharge instructions booklet (sometimes referred to as the “green booklet”):
Post-op Diet & Discharge Instructions (Green Book) 281.78 KB 4643 downloads
This is the "green book" given out at the pre-op /consent visit. Post-op Diet and...Download your surgical consent and review prior to your visit.
Download this and give to your if you were told you need PCP clearance or a pre-op physical from your PCP: