Clear Liquid Diet
- Band Patients: Non-carbonated clear liquids for the first 24 hours after surgery
- Sleeve/RNY/SADI-SIPS/: Non-carbonated clear liquids for the first week after surgery
The ultimate goal of on clear liquids is to consume 48-64 ounces per day, from the recommended list below.
In order to prevent your blood sugar from going low and give you a little energy, you should be consuming diluted juices (2 oz juice/2 oz water) or diluted non-diet sports drinks (2 oz beverage/2 oz water) every 3 hours. (Total undiluted juice should be no more than 8 ounces in a day – that equals 16 ounces of fluids once diluted.)
- Diluted Fruit Juice (2 oz juice/2 oz water)
- Grape, cranberry, or apple ONLY (100% juice or no added sugar)
- Diluted regular Gatorade or Powerade (2 oz beverage/2 oz water)